Hi, I’m Ali Rayfield.
This picture was taken on July 16, 2018. I was a successful Chief Revenue Officer at an AdTech company, leading a multi-million dollar revenue stream. I had just told my boss the week before that I was resigning. I had no plan.
Was I truly ‘excited by the uncertainty’? I actually was. But it took MONTHS of looking at this sticky note to actually let go and become open to a new possibility. Before that, I was scared and hearing lots of pushback from my loved ones. I heard: “Who leaves a job without a job?” “You have so many contacts that you’re going to lose” “Work doesn’t have to be fulfilling.”
All of these things could have stopped me. But I knew it was the right move.
“Leap, and the net will appear.” ~John Burroughs
Now, I coach start-up CEOs and Executives. Every contact, every business deal, every moment working in start-ups primed me for this work. None of it was lost. It was all building, unbeknownst to me, and leading me to have a much bigger impact in the world than I could have imagined.
The same is for you.
Aren’t you EXCITED?!
Join the club — The First Timers Club.
Congratulations! You’re now in your first C-level role. You’ve made amazing strides to get here! And yet… you’re also juggling family life, mid-life responsibilities, proving yourself, building a vision, team dynamics… and its a lot to manage.
Being a first-timer again is complex. You know you have the skills…but you are being tested every day. It is a test of time management, focus and confidence.
When we take the leap to Senior leadership, we often feel like imposters. We want to seem ‘perfect’ to our teams & our boss. We want people to think we have it all together.
I help C-Level executives within start-ups find their voice, discover their authentic leadership style & conquer imposter syndrome (aka - that pesky little voice inside that tells you that you’re not good/smart/qualified enough).
My training by the Co-Active Training Institute has given me the tools to help Leaders: create a vision, empower teams and lead authenically.
I utilize neuroscience based tools like Positive Intelligence and AgileBrain to support your growth. Combined with my 18+ years in start-up environments, I have developed my own methodology which uses creative solutions to tackle business challenges.