You’ve climbed the corporate ladder to your first senior role. You have built incredible skills along the way. Your talent, reputation & hard work got you here.

Now, this becomes a mental game. How you perform will impact the rest of your career. Like the saying goes, “What got you here, wont get you there.”

It’s time to level-up in a new way — with confidence, clarity and intuition. It’s time to articulate your vision. It’s time to lead your organization with decisive action. It’s time to build your mental muscles and navigate the ambiguity.

If you’re a first-time senior start-up executive — with an opportunity of a lifetime — join the First Timers MasterMind.

Throughout the 12 week journey, you’ll learn new leadership skills, build mental agility and create a trusted circle of other first timers.

The First Timers Mastermind

This program is designed for first-time C-Level executives who want to:

  • Learn from & connect with other professionals going through similar experiences

  • Enhance your leadership skills in areas like: delegation, strategic thinking,

  • executive presence, motivating others, etc

  • Build mental fitness muscles to decrease stress and anxiety

  • Create a vision for yourself & your team

  • Finesse your authentic leadership style

  • Lead from a place of excitement, clarity & focus

  • Have more fun, energy & balance in your life



Leadership Skill Building

This group program is specifically designed to cultivate and enhance essential leadership skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. Through a carefully crafted curriculum (sample below), you will delve into crucial areas such as: delegation, innovative thinking, executive presence, self & team motivation, etc. All of these skills will support your desire to authentically build and communicate your leadership identity.

Sample content schedule:

  • Week 1: Creating a Vision — Maximizing your talent, energy & resources to build a plan

  • Week 2: Focus — How to delegate, prioritize and create boundaries to support your vision

  • Week 3: Mindset & Presence — Learn tools and tips to show up positively and lead with confidence

  • Week 4: Motivation — Understand the connection between our emotions and motivation. Learn how to get back in action when you get stuck, derailed or bored. AgileBrain Motivational Needs Assessment included.

Peer to Peer Mentorship
Group coaching offers a platform for leaders in similar roles to come together, share experiences, and offer support. This unique approach allows participants to realize they are not alone in their challenges and victories, fostering a sense of community and understanding. The connections formed within group coaching can create a supportive network that fuels personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to more confident and effective leadership.

During each session, we will allot time for ‘situation coaching’, which allows you to bring a current challenge to the group. Members will weigh in and you’ll receive ideas, solutions and new perspectives from your peers.

Monthly Speaker Series

Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to gather insights from seasoned executives who will share what they "wish they knew" when they first stepped into the role of a C-level executive. Their valuable perspectives will offer a unique glimpse into the challenges and opportunities that come with this pivotal leadership position. From navigating complex organizational dynamics to honing strategic decision-making, these insights will provide a wealth of practical wisdom for emerging C-level executives.

1:1 Private Coaching Session with Ali Rayfield

1:1 coaching offers a personalized and tailored approach to developing skills, identifying patterns and blindspots, and achieving goals. With individualized attention, clients can expect to receive focused support, accountability, and actionable strategies to make meaningful progress in their leadership goals.

Group Slack Channel

For ongoing communication with peers, accountability check-ins & business questions.

“If I only knew then, what I know now.” — Robert Wolff




Strengthen Mental Muscles.

Challenge yourself & stretch beyond your comfort zone. Learn how to push away self-doubts and recover from disappointments. You’ll be able to practice high-stakes skills in a low-stakes environment.


Learn To Ask For Help.

Silence the myth that you have to do things all by yourself. Asking for help is an essential leadership skill & one that most executives need to embrace (and practice).


Hold Yourself Accountable.

Group learning inspires creativity, promotes adaptability and generates action. You’ll learn how creativity and accountability are a duo that gets you to the finish line.


Make Meaningful Connections.

High work demands plus life’s obligations leaves us with limited time for networking. This group will provide you with new connections — e

ach member bringing unique experiences for the benefit of all — in a confidential, safe space.


Silence the Noise.

Learn skills to stop overthinking and second-guessing every decision. Execute with laser focus. You’ll walk away with frameworks for mental fitness that are accessible and works for all aspects of life.


* 3 month commitment

* Weekly Group Calls: Thursday 12pm-1pm

* Speaker Series: Dates TBD