Strong leadership is like a photograph. 

CANDID (authentic)

FOCUSED (on purpose) &

EXPOSED (vulnerable)

You know it when you see it. 

I help ‘First Timers’ in three major ways:


Hindsight & Foresight

We’ll start by exploring where you’ve come from and where you are going. We’ll identify your core values and use visualization tools to envision your path to success. (Sneak peek: this includes real physical photographs! Old school & unfiltered!)


Prehab & Rehab

Using positive psychology & neuroscience assessment tools, we will together identify your blindspots and leadership focus areas. You will receive a custom “motivation map” which shows you where you are excelling & what needs attention.


Feminine & Masculine

Leadership skills have historically been seen as a ‘masculine’ trait. However, a new language of leadership is being created. It includes ‘feminine’ qualities like empathy, vulnerability and compassion. Every article you read these days confirms this. I’ll teach you how to master it -- authentically.


Join the club — The First Timers Club.


Being promoted to your first BIG executive role is complex. When we take the leap to Senior leadership, we often feel like imposters. We want to seem ‘perfect’. We want people to think we have it all together.

I help first time & aspiring C-level executives find their voice, discover their authentic leadership style & conquer imposter syndrome (aka - that pesky little voice inside that tells you that you’re not good/smart/qualified enough).

My training by the Co-Active Training Institute has given me the tools to help leaders create a vision, empower teams & create balance authentically in their lives.

I combine my coach trainings with 18+ year corporate experience in start-up environments and have developed my own methodology which uses creative solutions to tackle business challenges. 

Leap, and the net will appear.

~ John Burroughs