A Month of Gratitude

Hi all! I’m coming up for air after the holidays & start to the year. While December seems like eons ago, I wanted to take a moment and share some learnings from my month of gratitude:

1. December is a long month!

2. I now understand why it’s called a Gratitude PRACTICE. It took conscious effort (& remembering!) to acknowledge the moments, people and things I have appreciation for. Doing anything new for 31 days requires focus and commitment. Some days I forgot until bedtime & other days I would be tallying lots of things in my head.

3. It was fun posting in ‘stories’. Many of my posts tend to be long & it was fun to post little short snippets of my day.

4. Gratitude is contagious. I had friends and family reach out to me and let me know what they were grateful for. I loved this! I thought about the impact their gratitude was having on their own circles.

5. Life is short. Two people I know died suddenly in December. Two men in their 40s with lots of life still to live. These were huge moments of gratitude. The small stuff slips away really fast when life is taken away.

6. Gratitude made me slow down. I actually can recall the energy of my December and the moments along the way. There were ups and downs with covid scares, holiday plans changing …and changing again, simple moments, Christmas movies, free time, inspiring work moments and nostalgia. This gratitude practice helped me pay attention!!

7. My biggest gratitude for January is that my husband and I made it to Hawaii for our 1 year anniversary. We’re living a slow life here for a few weeks and it could not be more amazing. I’m grateful to start 2021 celebrating love, life, TRAVEL and the opportunity to slow down.


BTW, I’ve been second, third and fourth guessing if I should be mentioning our Hawaii trip on social media. (ummm, because covid & New England winters & my assumptions on what people think) However, my 2021 goal is to be UNAPOLOGETIC about the joy in my life. When we dim our own light & happiness, we also make others feel they have to dim theirs. I want us all to celebrate each other’s wins (big and small) and collectively shine our light brighter than ever. Ya with me?!


Hello February. Chapter 2 of 12.


Year in Review