Hello February. Chapter 2 of 12.

February comes from the Latin word, februa, which means “to cleanse.” When we typically think of a ‘cleanse’, our minds go to detoxing our bodies (juicing, gluten free, no alcohol, etc.) However, we can take smaller steps (and easy ones too!) to shift our energy and create space in our lives. We need to get rid of the old stuff, thoughts and patterns to make way for the new. Here are 28 ways (for February’s 28 days) to make physical and mental space in your life.


1. Delete old email accounts. (bye bye aol)

2. Organize your spice cabinet.

3. Get rid of old t-shirts.

4. Delete messages on your voicemail.

5. Burn sage or palo santo to clear negative energy.

6. Donate old winter coats, scarves, hats, mittens, etc.

7. Organize your sock and underwear drawer.

8. Replace expired toiletries.

9. Get a new toothbrush!

10. Purge the plastic and paper bags. (I promise they won’t be gone for long)

11. Organize your thoughts around an important matter. Ask the universe for a sign if you are stuck.

12. Toss the expired fridge items.

13. DVDs and CDs. Enough said.

14. Stop chasing the friendships that aren’t fulfilling you.

15. Meditate for 1 minute tomorrow.

16. Pause & reflect on the things you liked as a child. Try and do that thing this month.

17. Pick up the phone and call the person who makes you laugh the most. Laughter is cathartic!

18. Wash your mask.

19. Open the window. Even for a few seconds.

20. Stretch everyday. Make space in your body — length, width and depth.

21. Make the doctor appointment you keep putting off.

22. Rip up your to-do list.

23. Create a to-be list.

24. Organize the linen closet.

25. Release old thoughts around what you ‘should have known.’

26. Forgive yourself. Hug yourself. You’re doing the best you can.

27. Delete the unused apps on your phone.

28. Inhale, hold for 5 seconds and Exhale.

If you’re up for it — try one of these things in February. Literally only ONE. Set the bar low and create progress from starting small. Happy February.


Hello March. Chapter 3 of 12.


A Month of Gratitude