100 Days left in 2020

This picture was taken on July 16, 2018. I was a successful AdTech executive, leading a multi-million dollar revenue stream. I had just told my boss the week before that I was resigning. I had no plan.

Was I truly ‘excited by the uncertainty’? I actually was. But it took MONTHS of looking at this sticky note to actually let go and become open to a new possibility. Before that, I was nervous and hearing lots of pushback from my loved ones. I heard: “Who leaves a job without a job?” “You have so many contacts that you’re going to lose” “Work doesn’t have to be fulfilling.”

All of these things could have stopped me. But I knew it was the right move.

“Leap and the net will appear.” ~John Burroughs

Now, I coach start-up executives create a vision, empower teams, and live authentically. Every contact, every business deal, every moment working in start-ups primed me for this work. None of it was lost. It was all building, unbeknownst to me, and leading me to have a much bigger impact in the world than I could have imagined. 

The same is for you. 

Aren’t you EXCITED?!

PS- there are 100 days left of 2020. Everything is uncertain. Let the uncertainty of 2020 be your fuel. Rather than your excuse.


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